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SubZero Curling

A place where high school curlers can compete at a competitive level.

SubZero Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How do I join SubZero?

A:  Tryouts will be held for all interested curlers prior to the start of the season. There are a limited number of spots available for team members.

Q: What is the tryout process?

A:  SubZero will be hosting two days of tryouts.  September 20 and 21, 2024 from 2-4 pm. Prospective players can select either day to attend. During tryouts prospective players will complete a series of skills assessments and scrimmages with and against other prospects.  Prospects will be evaluated using consistent criteria by a set of volunteer evaluators.  The evaluators will consist of both SubZero coaches and experienced curlers that are not involved in the SubZero program to allow for impartial evaluations.

Prospects will be expected to complete each assessment and/or scrimmage independently with little instruction.  Evaluation will include overall skill but will also cover knowledge and understanding of the game, the ability to follow instructions, positive attitude and a demonstration of game etiquette.

Q:  What if I cannot attend tryouts?

A:  If a prospect is unable to attend tryouts, we will do our best to work with the prospect on an alternative day.

Q:  How are players selected to be a part of SubZero?

A:  At the completion of tryouts, the SubZero coaches will review the evaluations on each player and make selections for team rosters.  There is a limit on the total number of players that SubZero can support but there is not a requirement to fill a certain number of varsity and junior varsity positions.  The size of the varsity and junior varsity rosters will be determined by SubZero coaches.

Q:  What’s the difference between SubZero Varsity and SubZero Junior Varsity rosters?

A:  VARSITY – Players must earn a spot on the varsity roster.  This is the most competitive program and is for curlers who have previous competitive curling experience and are willing to make the required commitment.  

Varsity Commitment:

o   Practice – may rotate between practice and league play each week

o   League play – Varsity curlers are required to participate in league play at the Chaska Curling Center. Players will rotate through the SubZero league teams and will be scheduled a team and position for each game in advance. League games are held Tues., Wed., Thurs. at 4:45 PM

o   Bonspiels – Varsity players will be required to compete in the All-School Spiel held at the end of the season.  All Varsity SubZero teams compete in a competitive bracket for all bonspiels.

o   High School Spiel/Golden Broom Challenge – Varsity players are required to compete in the High School Invitationals and the 2 Golden Broom Challenge games.

JUNIOR VARSITY – Players must earn a spot on the junior varsity roster.  This is competitive curling experience level program and is for curlers who have previous competitive curling experience but did not get placed on the varsity roster.

Junior Varsity Commitment:

o   Practice – may rotate between practice and league play each week

o   League play – Junior varsity curlers are not required to participate in league play each week, but may be scheduled to participate in select games throughout the season.  League games are held Tues., Wed., Thurs. at 4:45 PM

o   Bonspiels –Bonspiels will be option for junior varsity players.

o    Golden Broom Challenge – Junior varsity players are required to compete in the High School Invitationals and the 2 Golden Broom Challenge games.

Q: How are teams selected for league play and competitions?

A:  SubZero coaches will assign positions and teams for all SubZero players for all SubZero sanctioned or sponsored activities including league games, bonspiels, high school invitationals and the Golden Broom Challenge games. Coaches will form teams from the varsity and junior varsity rosters so teams may be co-ed and could consist of all varsity players, all junior varsity players, or a combination from both rosters, depending on the event. SubZero teams may not be consistent from event to event.

Q:  What are the plans for bonspiels in 2024-2025?

A:  For the 2024-2025 season, the only required bonspiel will be the Golden Broom Challenge  held at the end of the season. All other bonspiels will be optional.

SubZero has selected 3 bonspiels where SubZero players will have the opportunity to compete.  Players must confirm their commitment to play in each bonspiel and pay the additional bonspiel fees during the season.  SubZero will register the teams and SubZero coaches will provide team/position assignments for that bonspiel.

If there are not enough SubZero players committed to fill a complete team for a bonspiel, the registration fees for that bonspiel will be refunded. Players on the varsity roster will be given priority on team assignments. SubZero coaches and the CACJCC board will work with players on incomplete teams in an effort to identify additional players to complete team rosters for that event.

If we are unsuccessful in registering enough teams to support all committed SubZero players for a bonspiel, varsity players will be given preference.  Registration fees will be refunded for any players who are unable to compete in a bonspiel because SubZero could not secure enough team spots.

Players who commit to participate in a bonspiel, but are unable to attend that bonspiel, may forfeit their fees for that bonspiel.

The SubZero bonspiels and fees for 2024-2025 are listed below:





Chaska one day spiel

Chaska, MN 

Oct 26, 2024


 MetropolisEau Claire, WINov 10-12, 2023$45.00

Elizabeth Busche Memorial Bonspiel

Duluth, MN

Dec 8-10, 2023


Curl Mesabi Junior SpielEveleth, MN Jan 13-14, 2024TBD

Kyle Satrom Memorial Bonspiel

St. Paul Curling Club

Feb 3-4, 2024


High School Spiel

Duluth, MN

March 1-3, 2024


Q:  Can I join SubZero if I’m on another curling team with players who are not a part of SubZero?

A:  Yes.  The commitment requirements for the varsity and junior varsity rosters are outlined in this document.  For all SubZero sponsored and sanctioned events (SubZero league teams, High School Invitationals, bonspiel commitment as part of SubZero, Golden Broom Games) we require that SubZero players play on SubZero teams with other SubZero players.  However, SubZero strives to provide flexibility to allow for players to compete on teams with other clubs.  For example, we are not having practice on Saturdays to give players the opportunity to practice or compete with teams that are not a part of SubZero. 

Curling with non-SubZero teams counts towards the total hourly requirement for earning a letter.

Q:  Can I compete in one of the SubZero bonspiels but not on a SubZero team?

A:  Yes, with the exception of the All-School Spiel at the end of the season, you can compete in any of the bonspiels that SubZero has selected for this season on a different, non-SubZero team.  In these cases, you are responsible for your own registration and any other requirements for participation in that bonspiel.

Q:  Does SubZero require players to compete in MN Playdowns/U18 Qualifier?

A:  Competing in the USA Curling MN Playdowns/U18 Qualifier events is not required but is highly encouraged.  Teams of SubZero players that have a desire to compete in MN Playdowns/U18 Qualifiers can apply for SubZero sponsorship but must compete as SubZero with SubZero players.

Q:  I’m unable to make the varsity or junior varsity commitments, can I still join SubZero to participate in bonspiels, league play, and the High School invitationals?

A:  At this time, only players that earn a spot on the team and make the associated commitment can participate in SubZero sponsored or sanctioned events as part of a SubZero team. SubZero coaches and the CACJCC board reserve the right to make exceptions based on individual circumstances.

Q:  Can I play if I have never curled before?

A:  This is a competitive curling team with a limited number of roster spots.  SubZero players must earn a spot on either the varsity or junior varsity rosters through a competitive try out.  New curlers should join the Chaska Curling Center Junior Curling Program to learn the sport.

Q:  What grades can join the SubZero Curling Team?

A:  SubZero is open to students enrolled in grades 7 through 12 for the 2024-2025 academic year

Q:  Is SubZero limited to students from certain high schools?

A:  SubZero is open to students from all school districts. 

Q:  Can I earn a letter if I participate?

A:  Yes.  We currently have lettering agreements with District 112 High Schools and we have applied for letters at additional area schools.  If your high school will not agree to provide a letter, you can still earn a SubZero letter if you meet all the necessary criteria.

Q:  What are the requirements to letter?

A:  To qualify for a SubZero letter, or a letter with Chaska and Chanhassen High Schools, players must meet the following requirements:

  • Earn a position on the team through competitive tryouts
  • Positive and active participation in at least 150 hours of “on-ice” curling activities.  Dryland or off-ice activities do not count towards this requirement.
  • Participation in a minimum of 12 competitive league games as part of SubZero
  • Must participate in a minimum of 3 bonspiels in competitive, varsity, or advanced divisions 
  • No unexcused absences or tardiness
  • Demonstrate understanding of the game, skills development, strategy, and spirit of curling
  • Support SubZero’s community outreach efforts through volunteering with a minimum of 5 volunteer hours
  • Adhere to the player code of conduct

If you would like to letter at another high school, a letter of agreement must be signed by the school prior to the start of the curling season.  Please contact a CACJCC board member if you would like to pursue establishing a lettering agreement with your school.

Q:  What equipment do I need?

A:  Clean shoes are required.  Curling shoes are not required, however they are strongly recommended.  For the 2024-2025 season, SubZero players must provide their own stabilizers and sliders.  The Chaska Curling Center will not allow this equipment to be taken off-site.

Curling clubs are cold, players need to dress appropriately and be prepared to remain on the ice for extended periods of time.  A team uniform is provided as part of team registration fees for league play, bonspiels and high school invitationals.

Q:  Do I need to be a member of the Chaska Curling Club to join SubZero?

A:  Yes, you need to have an active membership with the Chaska Curling Club to participate on the SubZero team.  You can join the Chaska Curling Center when registering for SubZero.

Q:  What is included with the registration fees?

A: 2024-2025 SubZero Registration Fee:  

Registration fees: $500
Team Uniform: $75

* Registration includes coaching, ice rental fees, league fees, inter-club games, and program expenses such as insurance and volunteer background screenings.

Q:  What is not included with team registration fees?

A:  SubZero High School Curling Team registration fees does not include:

Chaska Curling Center Membership fees

o   $83 + tax Chaska Resident

o   $97 + tax Non-Chaska Resident

·      Lettering Fees: $25 for each player who meets the requirements

·      Optional bonspiels fees

·      Individual player curling equipment

·      Transportation or travel expenses required to attend practice, games, or optional bonspiels

·      Fees for optional participation in supplemental curling leagues, high school invitationals hosted at other clubs, camps, training programs, and scrimmages

·      Any other costs associated with participation in a program or competition not listed.

Q:  When is the high school curling season?

A:  The SubZero curling season runs from October 2024 through  March 2025.  SubZero will not practice on school holidays(per district 112 calendar), but players may be scheduled to play in league games on school holidays.

Q:  When is practice?

A:  SubZero will practice Mondays & Fridays 3:30-5:00 PM. Players may be rotated out of the Monday or Friday practice if they play on a SubZero league team during the week.

Q:  What do I need to know as a parent?

A:  We need volunteer support from parents to supervise practice. This includes taking attendance and overall practice supervision. Volunteer parents need to be in the arena to supervise athletes to ensure they are focused on practice and not misbehaving. A sign-up will be used to ensure we have adult supervision at each scheduled practice and is available on our website under “Volunteer Opportunities”. Parents are asked to support fundraising, coordinate carpools, and help organize and coordinate teams at bonspiels, high school invitational games, league nights, games and scrimmages. 

Q:  Who are the coaches?

A:  SubZero Curling plans to have two coaches that provide leadership to the team. Lynn Gossfeld is an experienced curler who has coached the team since the beginning. She is a school nurse District 112 and has been involved in the Chaska Curling Center Junior Curling program for the past several years. Carl Ball will be the assistant coach, Carl has been very involved in the curling community and brings many years of experience to the program.

We may also get coaching support from current and previous participants in the USA Curling Junior Curling (High Performance) teams. We will also utilize other volunteers and guest coaches throughout the season.

Q:  What is the Chaska Area Competitive Junior Curling Club (CACJCC)

A:  This is the official name of the 501(c)3 that was established in 2019 to sponsor and support a competitive high school curling team out of the Chaska Curling Center.  We use SubZero Curling as a team name.

Q:  As a parent, Chaska Curling Club Member, or community resident, how can I help?

A:  Thanks for your interest!  We are always looking for volunteers to coach and help supervise practices.  We also accept tax deductible donations.  These funds will be used to off-set team expenses. 

Q: Can I request a discount or scholarship to off-set the team registration fees?

A:  The CACJCC board will review individual situations on a case-by-case basis and determine if a scholarship can be granted to an individual player.

Q:  I am unable to attend the some of the practices, high school invitationals, or bonspiels, can I still participate?

A:  Yes, if you earn a spot on the team and can commit to participate in most activities, with a few scheduled exceptions, you can still participate.  Curling is a team sport and four players are required for games.  If you know that you have conflicts preventing you from participating, especially for high school invitational games and bonspiels, you need to let your coaches know as soon as possible so they can make arrangements to ensure there are enough players to form teams.

Q:  If I’m new to curling, can I join the team later in the season once I gain some experience?

A:  At this time we do not anticipate being able to add additional players mid-season.

Q:  What are the COVID-19 restrictions and procedures?

A:  These will continually evolve during the pandemic, but we intend to follow guidance from the MN Department of Health, the Chaska Curling Center, and District 112 regarding youth sports.  All players need to acknowledge that they read the MSHSL COVID notice.  Additionally, we will support whatever requirements and restrictions are in place at other curling clubs where we may compete.

Critical policies related to COVID-19 include:

·      If you have knowingly been exposed to COVID-19 you need to follow current guidelines which will determine potential quarantine and when you can resume participation.

·      If you are feeling ill, do not participate in any SubZero curling

·      SubZero plans to follow state, local, district and club masking guidelines as they evolve throughout the season

·      All players should utilize their own equipment (e.g., brooms, stabilizers)

·      All players must adhere to COVID-19 procedures and restrictions as the Chaska Curling Center or other Curling Clubs where we may compete.  This includes using your own equipment, and may include sanitizing club equipment before and after use, and throwing the same stones during practice or games.


Contact Us

SubZero High School Curling

3210 Chaska Blvd. 
Chaska, Minnesota 55318

Email: [email protected]

SubZero High School Curling

3210 Chaska Blvd. 
Chaska, Minnesota 55318

Email: [email protected]
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